Tuesday, June 30, 2009

roof truss unit

Monday 29.6,09

the class has been divided into two teams with the job of building a truss roof

Our roof has a tiled roof.first job was to put down the bottom plates,they were leveled up and clamped down.We then started erecting the end trusses.They were plumbed up and braced securely into placed.The standard trusses were then all stood up in place.A string line is then placed between the two out side trusses to line up the apex or roof line.The heels are then screwed down in place and the tops were plumbed up and the top batten screwed on to secure them from falling over.The girder trusses were then placed on,in line with the bottom plate and screwed in,hanger brackets were screwed on to support middle trusses.Middle trusses were put on and then girder trusses were plumbed and screwed down after they were plumbed up.All trusses were then triple griped.Jack trusses were then put on,lined up and screwed into place and triple griped.Saddle trusses were placed on main roof,the apex was lined up and battens made to suit to hold them in place.Speed bracing is then place over main roof at plan or manufacturer's instructions.Creeper trusses were then added.The rafter are then string lined to length and cutoff.Metal fascia clips are screwed on to the end of the rafters and the metal facsia is clipped into place.the valley is then found using a string line and then measured out to find were valley boards will sit and then screwed down.Once all valleys are done the whole roof can be battened out to suit the tiled roof.

Monday, March 16, 2009

went straight into workshop to finish of saw stool project.This involved the final triming off the topof the legs and planeing down the excess.The whole job was given a good sanding to remove all corners and rough edges.The end produced was good , still a bit gappy but have learnt heaps.
after lunch we went into workshopto start drawing up plansfor step ladder on paper to scale 1:1
Last hour or so we went into classroom for some more calcs revision&exersises.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

monday morning was in the classroom doing calculations exersises,as well as practicing our maths we were given two tasks to perform
task 1
the sand pad area out the back of the workshopis to be paved.Step 1 was to measure uparea of sand pad. next we measured the areas to be deducted eg. ramp and corner.then we deducted that area from the total area.To give us the total area to be paved,we had to find the area of a paver.It is then divided in to the total to be paved to give us the number of pavers to be ordered for the job.To give us a costing of the pavers we mulitply the number of pavers by the cost of a single paver.
Task 2
The ceiling of the class room is to be replaced and a cornice fitted.The room is measured to find the total area of the ceiling,then deductions worked out.The deductions are then taken of the total area.then the area of asheet of plasterboard is worked out and then divided into the ceiling area to give us the number of sheets needed for the job. round up to nearest sheet.Cost of a sheet is then multiplyed by number of sheets to give us cost of ceiling replacement.
cornice is then worked out byfinding perimeter of ceiling and then divided by lenght of cornice(roundup to nearest full lenght).Once the number of lenghts are found multiply that by the cost of a lenght of cornice to give us cost of materials
The afternoon was spent in workshop completeing the saw stool project.due to silly measuring mistakes was having problems assembling to aviod gaps .remeasured of plans and fixed most problems .

Saturday, March 7, 2009

day one - 3/3/09
First day,the morning was spent doing introductions, paper work and induction to campus and workshops .
We were then required to do a worksheet on the safety points of the workshop, eg. cut off switches, fire extinguisher & fire exits.
The afternoon was workshop time to test our joinery skills. I was asked to make 3 types of rebated joints. I had to mark out the cuts to be made and using a tennon saw cut down each side of wood to be removed and then chisel out the wood. The rebates had to be tight & neat. I then trimmed up, sanded and finished off.
My joinery skills are not great, need more practice I think.
Next project is to make dove tail, corner & tee halving rebates.

Day 2 - 4/3/09
Spent the morning in the workshop doing more joinery. I cut out dove tail & butt joints with a tennon saw & chiseled out excess wood. Put joints together & checked for tightness & then screwed together with wood screws to hold in place. All surfaces sanded & arrised and pencil marks sanded off.
I spent the afternoon in the classroom doing measurements & calculation workbook.

Day 3 - 5/3/09
Once again morning spent in the workshop. I began the saw stool project.
Step 1: draw a plan on paper of the stool to scale of 1:1. Show all 3 views - top, side & end.
Once the plans were drawn & checked a materials list was made an order list was made.
Step 2: practice run was to make a top & 2 legs to practice the reading of the plan & cutting out & chiseling of the legs. I then sanded & finished.
The afternoon was spent in the classroom once again doing calculations. In calculations I am doing basic metric measurment, calculating perimeters, area & volume using formulas.

Day 4 - 6/3/09
In the workshop again in the morning and was given our materials to make our saw stool. Using my plans that were drawn up I set about by transferring measurements and angles onto the wood to be cut out to make each piece of the stool. The top plate rebates were chiseled out to 60mm(wood size) legs were marked and cut out using tennon saw and trimmed up with chisel where necessary.
Legs were fitted to top plate & checked for fitting. Two screw holes were placed at the top of each leg to attach the legs to the top plate. I then screwed the legs onto the top plate & trimmed tops of legs flush with the top of the top plate.
Back to the classroom to do more workbook.